PRODUCT    foaming agent    Gypsum Foaming Agent

Gypsum Foaming Agent

Gypsum foaming agent is the answer to this problem.

Gypsum Foaming Agent

Gypsum is fast in solidification. When mix with water, it produces massive calcium ions and sulfate ions and negatively affect foaming agent stability. Gypsum foaming agent is the answer to this problem.

Water Diluent: 30-50 times

Output: 1L gypsum foaming agent generates 600-800L foam

PH: 7-8

Density: 1.03

Solid content:40%

Color: light brownish liquid

Packing: 1000kg/barrel

Storage: 12 months. Cool place, no direct sun,

Application: Gypsum board, gypsum block, wall panel, and gypsum ceiling board.